Wireless, automatic system gathering the medical examination results for home users.
Home-CliniQ is a software for PC computers installed at users’ computer. Home-CliniQ allows to monitor many different parameters. It communicates with devices monitoring vital parameters through wireless Bluetooth interface. Home-CliniQ monitors incoming wireless connections. After detecting the wireless connection, automatically there is set the communication protocol with transmitting device. Home-CliniQ window will show the connection status. After successful data transmit, received data will be stored at the hard drive of the computer and will be sent via Internet to MPM systems – Monitoring of Medical Parameters or HRS – Heart Receiving Station that is Platform for Cardiology Monitoring.
Data receiving from home care apparatuses
-Bluetooth entry
-ID user code
-clock (real time)
-automatic identification of the devices and medical results transmission
– easy use
– wireless data transfer to the local PC computer
– better cooperation between doctors and patients
– help to develop patients knowledge and it is according to the treatment programs
cheap solution for constant and current monitoring of different vital signals
– automatic response from Call Centre Telemedical Centre and/or from the main doctors and/or specialist doctor for example cardiologist